Bluetooth Safety Device: BEEEEP. "Please say a command."
Jason: "Call Melanie."
Bluetooth Safety Device: "Command not recognized. Please say a command."
Jason: "Call. Mel-a-nie."
Bluetooth Safety Device: "Did you say Eric?"
Jason: "No, you fucking fuck! I said Melanie!"
Bluetooth Safety Device: "Calling Eric."
Jason: "God DAMMIT!"
Eric: "Hello?"
This, in the scheme of things, qualified as a successful call. Why? Because a call was actually placed. In most cases, the wireless thing just drops the connection to the phone and I'm back where I used to be. Other times, the wireless thing will ring and I'll press the button to answer, but all it does it buzz. At that point you can hear me saying hello about ten times in a row, followed by a string of expletives. I'm aware that all of this is in effort of making the roads safer, but it will be very telling to look at the accident reports for the period containing July 2008. A recent study showed that the mere act of talking on the phone while driving is what creates a dangerous situation, not the actual holding of a phone. Anyway, I know what you're thinking. Why didn't I just spend more on the wireless thing?? Be-fucking-cause I didn't.