Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mirri Vanirri

Okay...sorry for the title, but I couldn't resist. The Chinese government may call their little lip-syncing ruse "in the best interest of the country," but I call it "Singin' in the Rain meets General Tsao's Chicken." And it just tastes bad. In the first place, I think little Yang Peiyi, the girl behind the curtain, is perfectly adorable. It's beyond me why she was ever deemed not-cute-enough. Can I adopt her? Secondly, it's the freaking Olympics! If ever there was a situation that called for an honest performance, this was it. Is it any surprise, then, that athletes are now calling into question the age of a number of China's gymnasts who recently medaled top honors? Frankly, who would put it past them, swapping in better performers for those less suitable. Clearly the powers that be are willing to save face by simply not showing a real one.